Our Coaches

The Team Behind Icon

Our coaches' qualifications are important, but we place just as much emphasis, if not more, on their sound pedagogical approaches and investment in their client


Yi Lam

Programme Manager

- PhD in Nutrition, University of California, Berkeley
- EMBA, Quantic School of Business and Technology
- BSc in Nutrition, University of Toronto


Khush Saraf

Admissions and Test Preparation Coach

MSt in Literature and Arts, University of Oxford
- BA (Hons) in Architecture and English Literature, National University of Singapore


Joyce Fu

Admissions and Test Preparation Coach

- MSc in Architectural Conservation, University of Edinburgh
- BA (Hons) in Architecture and Sociology, National University of Singapore

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Sharon Ng

Admissions and Test Preparation Coach

- BA in Psychology and Legal Studies, Singapore Management University


Sudarshan Balachandran

Admissions and Test Preparation Coach

- Exchange at LSE
- BEng (Hons) in Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore


Leanna Emmanuel

Admissions Coach

- BA in Philosophy and Art History, Nanyang Technological University
- Exchange at Sciences Po


Sumit Bhatnagar

Test Preparation Coach

- PhD in Material Science, National University of Singapore 
- MSc in Material Science, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research 
- BSc in Material Science, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research


Miti Garg

Test Preparation Coach

- MSc in Management, National University of Singapore
- BA in Architecture, School of Planning and Architecture

Edwin Neo

Test Preparation Coach

- JD, Singapore Management University
- MSc in Technology Management, Nanyang Technological University
- BEng in Bioengineering, Nanyang Technological University
- Exchange at UC Berkeley

Willem Wang

Test Preparation Coach

- MD, Duke-NUS

We look for more than just academic qualifications when selecting our admissions coaches. Our coaches are keen strategists, excellent communicators, and our clients' most enthusiastic cheerleaders. They are trained to guide their clients to stand out through our pedagogically robust system, developed by our team with vast knowledge and experience in the international admissions landscape.

We take a team approach, ensuring our clients benefit from the best our coaches offer as specialists in their assigned components. Building quick rapport is crucial for consistency throughout the application process, and our coaches excel at this. Trust is the cornerstone of successful client-coach relationships.

Recognising the challenges of university applications, our coaches focus on encouraging and motivating their clients to achieve their goals. They empower clients to become their best selves. Clients benefit from a team devoted to arming them with strategies and skills to confidently apply to their universities of choice.