How We Do It
Conquer Your Goals,
Not Just Your Exams
Established in 1999, Icon has been guiding students towards their dream universities for over two decades.
Our Commitment
You are unique and we will help you cultivate your talent and maximise your potential. We provide holistic guidance, helping you navigate the complexities of the university application process.
Our Coaches
Our coaches are experts at nurturing individuals to discover and leverage their own strengths, enabling them to continue their growth long after our services are over.
Our Programmes
Our programmes will not only help you prepare for your university application and standardised tests, but also develop the skills and insights to enter post-secondary life with confidence.
Our Track Record
Icon is the leader.
We lead the pack in standardised test preparation tutoring and admissions application coaching.

Over 20 Years
of successfully placing students in prestigious universities
1 in 3
Acceptances to OxBridge
and Ivies
3 in 5
Acceptances to competitive colleges, often with scholarship!
We have unparalleled expertise in all major standardised tests.
Over 70% of our clients achieve standardised test scores in the 90th percentile.
The Icon Difference
Our focus is your success.
Our Commitment
You are unique and we will help cultivate your talent and maximise your potential.
We provide holistic guidance. Icon helps you navigate the complexities of the university application process while aligning your current academic and extra-curricular activities.
Our Coaches
- Our coaches are specialists and experts in their specific areas of coaching.
- We count former admissions officers, alumni interviewers from top universities, Masters and PhD holders among our highly qualified coaches.
- Our coaches nurture students to discover and leverage on their strengths, enabling them to continue their growth long after our services are over.
Ace your standardised tests
Our coaches are top test-takers who will help you achieve the scores you need to demonstrate that you have the academic experience and knowledge to succeed
Curate your application materials
Take a strategic approach to the application process by matching your strengths, academic results and extra-curricular activities to your universities of choice.
Execute your plan
Detailed timelines help you keep track of test and application deadlines. Regular check-ins and coaching sessions keep you accountable and ensure that you are consistently working toward your goals.

How to get into Oxford Medicine in 2025
Successfully apply to Oxford Medicine in 2025, covering academic criteria, personal statements, UCAT, interviews, and more to enhance your ...

How to get into Cambridge Medicine in 2025
Tips & requirements for applying to Cambridge Medicine in 2025, including academic criteria, personal statements, UCAT, interview strategie...

How to get into UCL Medicine in 2025
Tips on applying to UCL Medicine in 2025, including academic requirements, personal statements, UCAT, and interview preparation to enhance ...
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Over 80% of our clients were accepted to NUS and NTU-Imperial MBBS programmes
We love it when our clients share their success stories with us so we can brag about it.
“The most valuable aspect of the course was learning how to formulate arguments for my essay and present them in a succinct manner. The guidance on how to write the essay definitely helped me a lot.”
