
Navigating A-Level Subject Requirements for Med School in Singapore

Written by Icon | Apr 9, 2024 2:35:51 AM

Aspiring doctors in Singapore often face a number of prerequisites on their journey to medical school. What subjects are required, and which combinations offer the best chance of success?

Subject Requirements

While specific requirements may vary by institution, a solid foundation in the sciences is universally crucial. Biology, Chemistry, and sometimes Physics serve as the common prerequisites for applying for an MBBS degree.

Flexibility in Subject Choices

The subject combination you choose can significantly impact your application. For instance:

  • Chemistry, Biology, and either Maths or Physics (or both) keep all medical schools open to you.
  • If you opt for Chemistry and Biology without Maths or Physics, you'll still have access to the majority of medical schools.
  • Not taking Biology but studying chemistry along with Maths or Physics may limit your options, as fewer medical schools accept this combination.
Mathematics in Medicine

While not mandatory, mathematics is a valuable asset in medicine. It aids in understanding statistics for epidemiology, determining diagnostic accuracy, analyzing medical data, and more.


Although not an absolute requirement, taking Biology at A-level or IB can broaden your university options. However, if you're applying to Singaporean institutions like NUS or NTU, you can opt for either Biology or Physics, but Chemistry is required for both.

University-Specific Requirements

Each medical school may have its unique set of prerequisites. It's crucial to research the admission criteria of your desired institutions. Some may offer alternative pathways or additional exams for applicants without a biology background.

Exploring Alternatives

While chemistry is often considered essential, some universities offer flexibility. Institutions like Lancaster University, the University of Buckingham, and the University of Leeds accept alternative subjects in place of chemistry. However, opting for chemistry widens your university choices and enhances your competitiveness.


Embarking on the journey to medical school requires careful planning and consideration of A-Level subject choices. While biology is recommended for broader university options, other combinations can also pave the path to success. Researching specific requirements and seeking guidance from admissions offices can ensure you're on the right track to realising your dream of becoming a doctor in Singapore. Want more help navigating admissions requirements? Send us a message to find out more!